Ausflug mit Kind: Das sind die schönsten Ausflugsziele in Berlin und Brandenburg

Excursion with children: These are the most beautiful excursion destinations in Berlin and Brandenburg

Finally get out of everyday life, see something new and collect great memories that will last forever: all of this can be achieved on a varied trip with your child . There are all kinds of excursion destinations in Berlin and Brandenburg where fun for young and old is guaranteed. But to ensure that your trips with children don't turn into a disaster, it's important to plan well and have the right equipment . Find out here what you should pay attention to so that all family members have fun on the trips. Below we will also introduce you to the best ideas for trips with children in Berlin as well as numerous tips for trips with children in Brandenburg. You're sure to find inspiration for your next family trip here - regardless of whether the sun is shining or there are thick rain clouds hanging in the sky.

The topic short and compact

  1. Family trips are important for the feeling of unity within the family, provide variety and are a lot of fun.
  2. To ensure that your trip with your child is a complete success, good planning is just as important as having the right equipment.
  3. In Berlin and Brandenburg there are numerous exciting attractions and sights to choose from for trips with children.

Why are trips with children important?

Excursions are a great and important change for children. It is very important that even the youngest children occasionally get out of their everyday routine and discover something new. This has a positive effect on child development , satisfies natural curiosity and awakens the urge to explore . Of course, trips to the forest or nature are ideal. Here your child gets to know the plant and animal world up close and experiences many natural attractions. Fresh air and exercise are healthy and contribute to a strong immune system.

Family trips are also important for the feeling of togetherness within the family. Because of kindergarten, school, work and household chores, there is often not much time during the week for shared experiences. You can make up for this at the weekend or on vacation by going on varied trips with your child. Of course, excursions are a lot of fun for both young and old children. And what could be nicer than the smile in your children's eyes when you come home together after a great family trip?

Excursion tips for families in Berlin and Brandenburg with HOMB

How and where? Planning is key!

If you are planning a trip with the children, everything depends on good planning . The preparations you should make depend primarily on the type of trip and the age of your child. The following applies: the longer the trip lasts and the younger the children are, the more meticulous the preparation must be. For babies and toddlers under two years of age, we recommend excursion destinations with children that are close to you. Then, in an emergency, you can easily drive back home if your child doesn't cooperate. Luckily, there are great options for trips with children in Brandenburg and the surrounding area, so long journeys are not necessary at all. Think in advance about which excursion destinations are particularly interesting for your children and try to take everyone's needs into account.

What to take? The right equipment should not be missing!

So that nothing stands in the way of truly unforgettable experiences with children on your trips, you shouldn't forget anything. What equipment you shouldn't miss depends on your destination, the weather and the age of your child. You can use the following checklist as a guide:

  • Changing mat, diapers and wet wipes
  • Change of clothes
  • Sun hat, sunscreen and mosquito repellent in summer
  • Jacket, hat and gloves in autumn and winter
  • Toys or picture books for the car ride
  • Picnic blanket
  • Plasters and first aid supplies

Of course, the food shouldn't be missing either. On many trips with children in Berlin and Brandenburg there is the opportunity to buy food on site. Nevertheless, you should always pack at least a few snacks and drinks to satisfy your hunger and thirst in between. Fruit, vegetables, rice cakes, bread or cookies are ideal to take with you.

Trip to the surrounding area with the HOMB backpack

How can the HOMB parent backpack support parents on trips?

If you are planning a trip with a child, it is important to think about enough breaks for your little one. This is especially true for children who are still very small. Although most kids start walking around the age of one and a half, they cannot yet cover long distances. Their legs quickly become heavy and they want to rest. Then it's good if you have a means of transport for your child.

The buggy is of course the classic for a trip with a small child. But it also has many disadvantages - especially when taking a trip to nature or a museum. The stroller is often impractical, takes up a lot of space and is annoying. In addition, after a certain age, children no longer like to use it. No wonder: your little one doesn't have good vision and can't really enjoy the children's attractions. This is exactly where the HOMB parent backpack comes in. It supports you in all family activities with its high flexibility and good comfort .

At first glance, the HOMB back carrier 4:1 looks like a normal backpack. But it has a special feature: in just a few simple steps you can convert it into a carrying aid for your child , which you can carry comfortably on your back. Your child will be secured with a safety vest and will be strapped into the baby carrier. It takes up an elevated position and can observe everything well. You can talk well to each other and discover the exciting sights for children together. With the HOMB parents' backpack, the family trip in Berlin and the surrounding area is even more fun for everyone involved.

Spring excursion destination in Berlin with the HOMB

What do parents have to pay attention to when using the HOMB?

In order to keep your child safe and healthy in the HOMB, it is important to put on the safety vest correctly. You adjust it exactly to your child's body before using it for the first time. After that, all you have to do is slip in. It is also important to know: The HOMB is intended for your child to rest while they discover the attractions and sights. The parent backpack is not suitable for your child to take a nap as they are standing up in the carrier.

At what age is the HOMB suitable?

The HOMB parent backpack is suitable for trips with children from the age of one and a half . It was designed for kids who are already comfortable walking on their own, but who need to take breaks every now and then. The HOMB parent backpack is ideal, especially for a day trip with toddlers. It offers you a long service life and can be used up to the age of four and beyond. Because: It is designed for a weight of up to 25 kilograms, which many children only reach at primary school age.

You can find more information on this topic in our article “ Child carrier: Which solution is suitable for which age? ”.

City life with children with the HOMB backpack

Trips with children in Berlin

Of course, Berlin offers you many opportunities for great trips with children. Our five favorite tips for excursions with children in Berlin are:

  • Grunewald : The Grunewald is one of the largest forest areas in western Berlin and is ideal for cycling or walking. Attention dog lovers: The Grunewald dog run area is one of the largest in Berlin, so our furry friends can also have fun here.
  • Müggelberge : If you are interested in excursions in Berlin with children, you cannot miss the Müggelberge. The wooded hill range is a perfect starting point for hikes.
  • Spandauer Forest : Are you interested in forests and nature? Then it's worth taking a walk in the Spandauer Forest, which also has great hiking trails to offer.
  • Peacock Island : You can take the ferry to the fairytale Peacock Island, where you can walk among free-roaming peacocks.
  • Berlin Zoo : The zoo is of course one of the most popular Berlin attractions for children. In Europe's largest zoo you can marvel at all sorts of exciting animal species up close.

with the HOMB backpack in Berlin

Excursions with children in Brandenburg

If you are looking for ideas for trips with children nearby, you can also use the following list as a guide, as it offers you exciting suggestions for your family trip in Brandenburg:

  • El Dorado Templin – the western town in the Uckermark : El Dorado Templin is a theme park in the style of a western town located in the middle of the forest. Exciting shows regularly provide variety here.
  • Geopark Eiszeitland on the edge of the Oder : In the Geopark Eiszeitland you can follow the traces of the last Ice Age with your children. Many lakes, hilly landscapes and fine sand give the Geopark an absolute uniqueness.
  • Germendorf Zoo : A large park with animal enclosures, a playground and dinosaurs is located in Germendorf. You definitely won't get bored here!
  • Filmpark Babelsberg : The Filmpark Babelsberg is part of the modern media city of Babelsberg, where you can marvel at the original sets of current film productions with your children. Stunt shows and playgrounds guarantee fun for all family members.
  • Rathenow Optikpark : The Rathenow Optikpark impresses with optical illusions and flowering beds of rays. There are also climbing towers, a barefoot path and a large jumping pillow.

traveling around Berlin with the HOMB parent backpack

Further ideas for family experiences around Berlin: Bad weather trips with children

Are you still looking for inspiration for bad weather trips with children? That is always a special challenge. Feel free to try one of the following rainy weather trips with children:

  • Biosphere Potsdam : Would you like to enjoy tropical flair with your children even in rainy weather? Then you can visit the Potsdam Biosphere, where you can explore exotic plants and animals.
  • Natural History Museum Potsdam : There are native animals to discover in the exhibition and the exciting underwater world in the aquarium. Here your children will learn everything about the mole's den, the types of fish in our lakes, the wolf's lifestyle and much more.
  • Thermal spa with children – Steintherme Bad Belzig : If you feel like wellness and relaxation, a visit to the Steintherme Bad Belzig is worth it. You can unwind in the iodine-rich thermal brine, while the children will have a lot of fun in the children's areas specially designed for the little ones.

Excursions in Brandenburg with the HOMB backpack


Trips with children are always a bit of a challenge for parents as they require good planning and preparation. But the effort is worth it. Because: Every family outing has a positive effect on the family feeling, provides variety and promotes child development. Fortunately, the selection of excursion destinations for young and old in Berlin and Brandenburg is very large, so there is something suitable for every family.


How often should you go on trips with children?

You can go on trips with your children as often as you have time and desire. Whether once a week or once a month: It is important that you regularly allow yourself time for a short break together and that the family outings bring joy to everyone involved.

What can you do with children in Berlin today?

The possibilities for trips with children in Berlin and the surrounding area are almost limitless. How about a walk in the forest area of ​​Grunewald, a hike around the Müggelberge or an exciting visit to the Berlin Zoo?

What can you do with children nearby?

There are many attractions for the whole family near Berlin and Brandenburg - for both good and bad weather. For example, visit the Germendorf Zoo, the Eiszeitland Geopark, the Babelsberg Film Park, the Potsdam Natural History Museum or the Steintherme Bad Belzig together.

Why should you take the HOMB parent backpack with you on trips?

The HOMB parent backpack is a great transport option for your child and a comfortable alternative to the buggy. It can be converted from a backpack to a carrying aid for your child in no time. Your little one is secured with a safety vest and simply climbs onto your back so that he can rest for some time and enjoy a great view.

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